This month Martijn is our trainee of the month! It is Martijn's second internship here, learn more about him:
My name is Martijn Cortenbach, I am twenty years old and I live in Someren, the Netherlands. I follow the "Animal & Behaviour" education at the Helicon college in Helmond. My hobbies are judo, being with dogs and watching soccer.
I found this internship on "stagemarkt" and through someone in my class. I ended up here because I love to work with dogs.
What I like the most is training the dogs independently. I also love the variation in the tasks.
I have a dog at home and I had a few other internships with dogs before.
At the start of this schoolyear I have been at Dogcentre Holland 2 days a week for a period of 10 weeks. I learned so much here. This is why I returned for my second internship of another 10 weeks, this time 4 days a week. I would love to learn more about the training of the dogs.
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