Dog profile
Breed: German Shephard– Malinois – Dutch Shepherd or a mix of these breeds - Labrador - German Short haired - Pointer - Vizsla - Weimaraner - Hunting Terrier
Age: min. 8 months max. 3,5 years
Sex: male – female , sterilized or castrated is not necessarily a problem
Character: free and Happy – not scared – very driven on a toy and prey drive
instead of hunting drive. Good search inside and outside where the dog has to keep his toy with him
Level: green dogs, dogs that have obedience and certified dogs and everything in between could be suitable for us
Sporting dogs, pets, pedigree or not, obedient or not… this is less important for us than character
Health: X-ray wise good on pelvis, spine and elbows, good clinical examination and good teeth and eyes