Dogcentre Holland is a private owned company which derived from VOF B&E Dogcentre Holland (1999-2009). All & Lizet Biemans and Frans van der Elsen ran B&E Dogcentre together. Both partners from this partnership separated and started their own private company, each partner in their own specialization. Frans van der Elsen led the company from January 1st. 2009 on as a private company, in which he fine tuned and got more and more specialized in the training of working dogs.
Since July 2010 Gregor Bomba supported him with the training's sessions and selection of the right dogs.
Gregor is in turn assisted by Levi Beurskens.
After Frans illness and passing away, the team and Miriam were on their own. Miriam decided to continue the business and took it over. The team at work was so well attuned to Dogcentre Holland that they did not have to stop for one day and slowly but steadily continued with:
Buying and selling of:
- detection dogs
- service dogs
- patrol dogs
- dual purpose dogs
- combination dogs
Training, education and hospitalizing
- young green dogs
- partially educated dogs
- pets which don’t fit in domestic situation
- boarding dogs
- certified dogs
Training of interns and volunteers:
- schools like Helicon, Green Campus, Cita Verde, Groenhorst
- educations from abroad - among others Ghent
- MBO - HBO programs include HAS Den Bosch
- motivated volunteers of all ages and countries
NB. Dogcentre is a recognized training company (SBB)
Behavioral training for pet dogs:
* occasionally Miriam arranges clinics, however only individual and not in groups anymore like she did before when Frans was still alive.
- Boarding as an overnight accommodation for all breeds
- Boarding with behavioral training