For the month May we chose Carlijn as our trainee of the month. Carlijn introduces herself:
My name is Carlijn van Chastelet (21) and I live in Woerden. I follow the education animal management at the groenhorstcollege in Barneveld. With the specialisation 'apk' (pound, pension and kennel). I love to do fun stuff with my dog Boef and my family and friends. Like taking walks on the beach/ through the forest or drinking something sitting outdoors at a café.
I was looking for a challenge and something new in which I could learn more about learning and training dogs. With this goal I started browsing several websites. This is how I ended up at Dogcentre Holland!
Thanks to the great atmosphere and harmony within the company everything is fun! Especially the contact you make with the dogs and the oportunity you get to learn a lot.
Oh yes I was. I grew up with dogs. I trained Boef myself and I always wanted to learn a lot about these animals and work with them someday.
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